Privacy Policy

Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc.'s privacy policy is to maintain in the strictest confidence all information about its customers.

1) Our store collects personal and demographic information to provide a better experience for our users.

2) Your personal data will be kept privately and confidentially. Our company does not share, exchange or sell any data related to our customers, names, personal or email addresses, or any other personal information that we obtain from our customers. All information collected is for internal use only.

3) We hate spam as much or more than you. We really hate it even more because of a large amount of unsolicited mail we receive each day. Therefore, we will never send you an unsolicited email. If you. Choose to sign up for our weekly newsletter, you will receive a message from us each week. Details to be removed from the list will be visible in each of our messages.

4) If you choose not to sign up for our Free Newsletter, you will only be contacted to answer any questions you have asked and/or to send you messages related to any order you have made such as order confirmation, shipping confirmation, etc. We will not contact you on any other occasion.

5) From time to time, we may send you information about offers, gifts, specials, discounts if you sign up for this. In no case, you will receive more than one (1) weekly email of this nature per week.

6) Our site uses "cookies" (cookies). However, we do not store personal information in cookies. We simply store your user ID (simply a number) in cookie format. This user ID is not related to your personal information. We also store your name in cookies format to personalize our store. These cookies are only present if you are a registered user. If you are not a registered user, there will not be a cookie with your name.

7) From time to time we may place questionnaires to receive your answers regarding additions and changes in our store. As a rule, these questionnaires are voluntary. Also, if you choose to fill out the questionnaires you can always do it anonymously if you prefer.

8) Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc. could run sweepstakes in our store. Any information entered into these sweepstakes is also subject to our privacy policy.

At times, Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc. may provide customers with information about other companies or products, always keeping the data of our customers in total confidentiality.

Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc. will not disclose any information without the prior consent of the user, except for legal or security reasons for our company, as explained on the security page.


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